在LinkedIn看到一篇非常喜歡的職涯文章,作者 Steve Clark 在招募徵才與人資管理這塊有近十年的資歷。他根據自己的經驗,分享了許多沒在招募領域工作不會知道的事情,想分享給各種在國際職涯打怪的同路人。
1、開啟”Open to work”的LinkedIn標籤對求職有利
如果你在找工作,開啟”Open to work”的LinkedIn標籤對你是很有利的,LinkedIn 平台上有個Open to Work 標籤,作者建議每個在找工作的人,都應該開啟這個Open to Work標籤,藉此讓招募團隊注意到你,並點進去看你的資歷,看看是否有符合你條件的職缺。很多時候,那些告訴你不要開啟求職標籤的人,是因為不讓別人知道你在找工作,對他們有經濟利益。
1. The Open To Work Banner is of benefit to use on LinkedIn to anyone whom is “Open to work”. Recruiters notice it and will often take a look to see if you are a match for any REQs that you have open. Often, people who tell you to NOT use the banner have a financial interest in you not letting people know you are open to work.
2、ATS系統只是個儲存系統,你不用“beat the system”
ATS系統只不過是個儲存系統,不需要“beat the system”,也就是說,你不需要為了打敗ATS系統(beat the ATS),而客製化每一份履歷,因為ATS系統不過是儲存求職者訊息的儲存平台。那些告訴你這麼做的人,要不是他們沒有真的在招募團隊工作過,或他們想賣給你ATS服務軟體。
2. ATS systems are just storage systems – you DO NOT need to have a customized resume to “beat the system” as the ATS just hold’s candidates information. Often people who tell you otherwise have either never worked in Talent Acquisition OR they have a vested interest in selling you their resume services.
3. “Fancy” resumes (read heavy graphics) DO hinder your ability to have your resume parsed by application platforms. Aka, if you don’t want to have to fill in your work experience on the website you applied in, use a more “normal” resume that will parse easier. They DO still get saved into an ATS, and a real human reviews to determine fit, unless a job closes before they are able to review.
4. Thank you notes are NOT REQUIRED. However, a nicely worded thank you email is often seen favorably, so if you are comfortable sending one, it is a kind gesture to do so. Sending gifts to those whom you have interviewed with, however, is pretty unethical and creates a moral conundrum for those involved.
5. Messaging recruiters and hiring managers is pretty hit or miss. If you have already applied for the position, you might bring yourself up to the attention of the recruiter to review your application faster, but past that, random/unsolicited messages often don’t help much.
6. Any sort of “hidden” job market is not really something you can tap into. Corporations may hire firms such as ours to work on a confidential role, but those firms then go and actively find people. Past that, you can’t give Johnny $500 to get you on some list and hope for the best.
7. Posts that ask you to post the jobs you are looking for in a thread are mainly to drive engagement numbers (and, to a lessor extent, so that the poster can feel like they are helping with people’s job search). I assure you I have never searched a LinkedIn post hoping to find a Software Engineer that maybe commented they are looking for work.
8. ATS systems don’t weed out candidates with the wrong key words. Knock out questions exist when you apply for jobs – so if you answer that you don’t have experience, or cannot commute, or something similar, those questions WILL knock you out. However, the knock out is due to your inputted data.

補充:什麼是ATS?(Applicant Tracking System)
ATS是Applicant Tracking System的縮寫,在就業市場又叫「求職者追蹤系統」。求職者追蹤系統是一種Saas軟體,為企業提供招募和招募所需要的工具。ATS軟體管理所有招募需求,可作為所有招募流程的數據庫。
簡單來說,ATS是你提交履歷的第一關,很多市面上文章都會叫你要打造一個ATS-Friendly CV,指的是你應該要在履歷中放入相關的關鍵字。
為什麼你不需要Beat the system?
#1. ATS 問題:不用beat the system的原因是什麼?ATS-friendly CV和Beat the system CV差異是什麼?
Steve特別強調,在他使用過七八個不同的ATS系統後,為了ATS去客製化每一份履歷是沒必要的,真正會把你排除的,是申請前面的knock out question。雖然不需要beat the system,你仍需要製作份ATS-friendly 履歷,而這麼做的好處,就是節省你申請職缺的效率,讓系統輕鬆判讀你的經驗、複製貼上!

#2. ATS 問題:求職者需不需要針對ATS分數做改善?如果兩個經驗都一樣的求職者,A候選人的ATS分數是60,B候選人的ATS分數是85,B候選人會比A更有機會獲得面試嗎?

不需要Beat the system”對我來說,真的是如釋重負!因為我對於ATS系統一直很頭痛,我付費訂閱一個網路上很受大家推薦的ATS軟體服務,每次都為了怎麼把分數從60分改到90分很頭痛,真如就像作者說的,很多時候告訴你要這麼做的人,是想賣你ATS軟體服務!
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash